November 7, 2020

Where Am I From?

You know some of this, but not all of it. You’ll just have to bear with me since it is rather boring. I was born on March 29, 1980 in Las Vegas, Nevada. My name was Bryan Willard Barnett. We did not stay in Nevada very long at all. I believe I was 10 months old when my mom left my dad and moved back to Utah where her family lived. The Barnett last name doesn’t show up on my birth certificate since I was adopted by a new father. When that happened, they changed the name. Apparently, my birth father preferred to not have to pay child support for me or Brad and did not care that it meant that he would not be our dad. I met him once later in life, but it was not very entertaining. I’ll tell you about that later. I don’t recall when Brad and I were adopted, but I became Bryan Willard Howlett and all evidence of being Barnett was erased. I did not want to be adopted, but Brad thought it would be okay and the Judge told us that we had to either both agree or it wouldn’t happen. I went ahead and agreed since it didn’t mean I was any different. In hindsight, I don’t know if that was a good idea or not. You might guess there is more to the story since my last name is not Barnett or Howlett.

We left Nevada quickly and moved to Utah where my mother found my Dad, Father, Step-Dad, Adopted Father, whatever you want to call him. We moved around a lot there for a while. Then we moved to Washington state and moved around a bunch there, then to Japan where we only moved a couple of time. After a few years, my mom divorced him and took us back to Utah for a summer and then to Idaho where I finished “growing up.” Please don’t think people are grown up at 18. Growing up is a place in your mind, a control of your impulses, an understanding that you don’t know everything, not just that you have lived some number of years. Some people get there quicker than others, and some never get there at all. Anyway, from there I joined the Army and spent a year in Georgia, then 3 in Hawaii (Daniel was born here!), then 1 in Iraq, then 5 in Colorado (you were born here!), 4 years in England, then back to Colorado. It’s been 6 years again, but it is now time for me to find somewhere safe for me to live, and I am not sure it will be in the USA.

I am going to try and write based on the places I lived in. There are too many to do them all in order and I don’t remember many of the places themselves, but I can usually keep straight which state or country it happened in. So I’ll try and write in order to give you some way to follow my weird, rambling, meandering mind. When I talk about “past lives” I usually mean a major move since you start all over again and can make what you want of yourself since no one knows you yet.
